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Do you remember the last time you searched the phrase “Pizza near me” or “Pizza delivery online” or “Pizza delivered at home” for ordering pizza for your evening party?

We prefer searching for “Dominos, McD or Pizza Hut” directly. Because we already know the websites that answer our query for delivering pizza at home. There are millions of people who follow the same practice.

That’s the Power of Branding! When your business turns into the brand, you don’t have to search for your target audience, rather they start finding your products directly by entering your brand name.

So, your struggle of approaching the right people and finding traffic diminishes with time, and you can concentrate only on fulfilling your customer’s expectations.

What are the challenges in creating your brand?

When initiating a business is one struggle, making your brand name is another. In this digital age, when numerous businesses are rises every day, it isn’t that easy to gain the customers just by the brand name.

We’re sure, you heard a lot of people saying “Create a brand that speaks for itself!”

But, when you are just getting started with your business, it is really tough to market your products solely on your brand name. You will be dependent upon the product categories you are dealing with or other brand’s name if you are a retailer. You need to find people searching for the particular product category and the credits for your website traffic goes to the keyword optimization you did for your website content.

The reason is pretty obvious that people know you as an individual but they don’t know much about your brand. Even at times, people aren’t aware that certain brand belongs to you.

Creating a brand is a slow and steady process. But, it’s the effort worth investing the time. Let’s find out some of the easiest ways to build your brand:

Concentrate on Personal Branding

Concentrate on Personal branding

When you start a business, your primary audience includes your friends and relatives. Since they know you better, they can trust your brand and this will subsequently enhance the authenticity of your brand. With personal branding, you can bridge the gap between you and your brand.

Believe us, personal branding is the best way to enhance any business to share the values.

With digital tools, you can showcase yourself and your skills in a better way. You can get a website for you, as it can help you assimilate all the traffic of various skills that you own. And, you can always gather more data about the people that like you and your services.

Personal branding also helps you in exploring the opportunities and make it easier for people to reach out to you. Brands are created by people and believed by other like-minded audience. When you start thinking as a person rather than a business, you can understand and solve the issues in a better way. Also, you can share your achievements, business certifications, if any. This improves the authenticity of you, as an individual as well, as part of a brand.

Recreate your Digital Presence

Recreate your digital presence

When talking about digital presence, it means you should be just reachable to the people, if and when needed.

These days businesses are using social media to connect with their potential customers via seller/buyer groups on Facebook, Whatsapp, and Instagram. We’re sure you came across a lot of social media sharing groups also. Why ain’t you taking the part in the same?

Unlike regular businesses, we’d recommend you to stay professional like renowned ecommerce brands like Flipkart, Amazon, etc. Share the value-adding content and something creative that automatically engage the audience. This improves the discoverability of your brand and improves the exposure as well.

The digital presence of your brand on social media not only helps you from the SEO prospects but also helps in resolving the customer issues at a much easier rate.

Pitch with the USP of your Business

Pitch with the USP of your business

Every business should have a Unique Selling Point (USP). It is an idea that sets apart your business from several others of your business type. If you don’t have any, then think about adding one for your business and take the benefit of it.

When showcasing your brand, pitch the audience with the USP of your brand. This USP can be the product customization, 1-day-delivery of products, overnight delivery of cakes or 30-minute delivery of Pizzas and so on.

It can be anything. But, it should be something only for the benefit of the customers. Surely they will like it without any second thoughts. Once the customers start liking those services, they automatically remember your brand name.

Leverage the Power of Storytelling

Leverage the power of storytelling

Storytelling is trending these days because people love to listen to stories. They don’t remember the tough dates of history lessons, but still, remember the nursery rhymes on the tongue because of the story related to that particular rhymes.

You can also leverage the benefits of storytelling by creating an audio-visual story of your brand. Since stories stored in mind, you have more chances of brand visibility in the audience.

When creating the story of your brand, don’t go promotional, Go for an emotional one. Add all of your creative skills into it and let people feel the same tinch that you feel about your brand. Once people start resonating with your ideas, they will be your followers without giving much stress on other factors.

Share your Experiences to Connect with People

Share your experiences to connect with people

There are millions of people looking for the solution of certain problems and maybe you have a solution for some. So, why not to share those with people?

Since the time of ideation to the day of realization of your dream business, we’re sure you came across a lot of situations/hurdles that can help other businesses like yours. This is the best way of building real connections with people.

Initially, blog writing was the only source, to share your words with the masses. But, if you don’t have so much time, you can share your ideas and solve the problems of people via answering questions on question-answering platforms like Quora, WikiHow or directly connecting in the discussion forums of your business niche.

If you don’t have the zeal to write, you can always go ahead for podcasts or videos. These not only aims at impressing your audience but also build brand authority.

Let People Speak for You

 Let people speak for you

By now, you’ve spoken a lot about your business. It’s time to give a chance to your audience to speak about your products.

Sometimes it’s very hard to collect business reviews, especially at the start of your business. But, if you care for your customers enough and have some offline customers, getting reviews can be much easier and appealing for them.

People actually believe when real customers appreciate your business. This assures your potential buyers about the product quality so they can take the chance to purchase one of their choices.

When your customer reviews are already visible on your estore, you can flaunt these on social media platforms as well.

Connect with Real People

Connect with real people

We know that your business is a digital store, but your customers are the real people and that’s why more you connect with the people, better it would be for your business.

When corporate businesses connect with other businesses in the live conferences and national/international summits, you can connect with the people in the fairs, exhibitions and product launch events.

You can go as a speaker in certain events or can address them as hosts. You can also exhibit a few events that enable the collaboration of local businesses unite. You may get the chance to connect with other businesses that later turn into your valuable customers.


These are some amazing ways to get loyal customers for your brand. You can try these tactics to get started and feel free to share some more creative ways with your co-sellers in the Builder community.

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